Special services for government and business use
If you represent a government agency, local municipality or private sector contractor that is looking for improvements to its overall waste strategy, consider our products and take advantage of our special services. With our wealth of experience in the industry, we can help customize a solution that's a perfect fit for your needs.
In addition to discounted prices for bulk orders, we offer a range of added services for various pricing. These include:
- Consultation and advice on the strategic role that our products can provide for your current situation
- The design and implementation of an independently monitored trial period, for special circumstances
- Education and training of your staff and end users on all aspects of the Green Cone System and Green Johanna Hot Composter
- The development of tailored advertising, labeling, and promotions to encourage the use of the products in your target area
- The ability to allow end users to place their order against your promotion via our website
- The collection of money if you are passing some of the cost onto your end users
- The organization and assistance with large-scale sale days at suitable venues
- Supply of trained staff to assist with promotions
- On-going end user advice and support
For more information, contact our staff today:
The Green Cone System is an especially unique approach to handling municipal organics at the household level. How can the Green Cone included in your diversion strategy? Check out the Top Reasons a Green Cone can benefit your institution's food waste program.
Special Pricing
We understand that every situation is unique, and welcome you to contact us with any questions about institutional orders. Both the Green Cone System and Green Johanna Hot Composter are eligible for bulk pricing.